Lap of the Lough CharityGaelite Ireland Lap of the Lough ‘Lap the Lough’ is an annual cycle event that takes place around Lough Neagh -…dbakerOctober 10, 2016
Gaelite’s Winning Team Gaelite Ireland Gaelite’s Winning Team Gaelite actively supports local organisations and charities - raising money and helping however we can.dbakerAugust 31, 2016
Eurospar wins award despite Footballer’s comments about the town Gaelite Ireland Eurospar wins award despite Footballer’s comments about the town A Professional Scottish Footballer has scored an own goal with his controversial comments about the…dbakerJuly 18, 2016
New signage for the LauraLynn charity CharityGaelite Ireland New signage for the LauraLynn charity LauraLynn is a hospice in Dublin for children with life-limiting conditions and residential care for…dbakerMay 31, 2016
Gaelite lead the way with Safe Pass Alliance (SPA) for Petrol Retail Gaelite Ireland Gaelite lead the way with Safe Pass Alliance (SPA) for Petrol Retail As part of our ongoing commitment to best practise working conditions and Health & Safety …dbakerMarch 15, 2016
5K Twilight Challenge – We did it! CharityGaelite Ireland 5K Twilight Challenge – We did it! The first ever 5k Twilight Challenge took place last week in the Sandyford business district…dbakerOctober 7, 2015
Customer Survey Prize Draw Gaelite Ireland Customer Survey Prize Draw The results of our 2015 customer survey are in! (more…)dbakerOctober 6, 2015
5k Twilight Challenge CharityGaelite Ireland 5k Twilight Challenge Hi there! We are trying to make a difference and support LauraLynn, Ireland's Children's Hospice - a cause…dbakerSeptember 22, 2015
Gaelite on a winning streak with successful Tesco Rollout Gaelite IrelandRetail Gaelite on a winning streak with successful Tesco Rollout We have recently been working with Tesco rolling out the ‘Winning in Food’ Project signage…dbakerSeptember 11, 2015
Texcoat Transformations Gaelite Ireland Texcoat Transformations The Texcoat system is our own range of value engineered extrusions designed and developed by our…dbakerJuly 6, 2015